Tuesday, November 18, 2008

[update-1] Zbrush 3.1: anatomy study w.i.p | prie

well, this is small update for my anatomy study..including hand, the back shape and ears. new shape at the back is base on muscle sculpting, its still rough but I am really enjoy to present this anatomy study, I will update soon.

Sketchbook: Unballance | prie

add to Sketchbook.
sculpt and render in Zbrush 3.1. this render using matcap that I found at zbrushcentral.com forum, thanks to all guys that sharing they matcap.

I started with 3dplane object, then just sculpt at lvl 1-3 subd mesh for blocking shape.., the pores and wrinkles did at lvl. 6 subd mesh. I am using standard, pinch, elastic, rake, slash1 and claytubes brushes for this sketchbook.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Zbrush 3.1 : anatomy study | w.i.p

here my anatomy study with zbruh 3.1
this still w.i.p, many thing need to done..specially the back, arms/hands and the legs,..the muscle seems need to re-shape. and right now at level 3 subd. mesh...

Mudbox 2009: tree project | prie

add to my gallery.., render in Mudbox 2009

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tree Project with Mudbox 2009

well this my small project for trying new feature in mudbox 2009, specially at texturing.

after few minutes sculpted the basemesh, than I started new feature for texturing..I think they done awesome.. I've been waiting for texturing 3d model like this..welldone mudbox..

you can see/click the result from the pictures above, and another pictures below..for view my sculpting and texturing in mudbox 2009.

in texturing..I think the stamp tool and stencil tool are awesome..we can take and put any pictures to used as texture paint with that tools...in mudbox 2009 we can paint texturing in low level mesh..this is great.